
Independence Day is a hidden gem. Like, when you're a little kid in grade school and your teacher asks the class what their favorite holiday is, no one ever says the Fourth of July. They're totally missing out.

I can sum up the holiday in just one word:  awesome.   Let me explain:

First things first, there are literally hot dogs (or tofu dogs!!) and hamburgers, like, everywhere. I'm not even sure you can even escape the smell of them if you wanted to. So you know what they say- if you can't beat 'em join 'em. Have 10.

Second- the beloved college-party theme "AMURRICA" is literally everywhere, and it's great. Nothing I love more than tee shirts with American flags and various forms of stars and stripes running around aimlessly with cold beers in one hand and hot dogs in the other.

Third- At night time the sky is literally covered in fireworks  glitter. And everyone is just quiet for like, 15 minutes, all looking at the same thing- all feeling the same emotion:  Gotta get a pic for Instagram and caption it with Katy Perry "Firework" lyrics.

Plus, it's the only summer holiday that gets everyone out of work to actually run around in the hot weather that we complain about all summer long. This day is made for grills, cold drinks and some form of pool. Don't have a pool- channel your inner kid and run through a sprinkler or start up a water balloon fight. You'll only look silly for like, 2 minutes but it's worth it I promise.

Looking for some Fourth of July Fashion? No worries, I got you.




July 4

Looking for some Fourth of July party tunes? No worries, I got you again.

  1. Gold Trans Am - Ke$ha 
  2. Party in the U.S.A - Miley Cyrus 
  3. American Girl - Bonnie McKee
  4. National Anthem - Lana Del Rey
  5. Party & Bullsh*t - Rita Ora 
  6. Toes - Zac Brown Band
  7. Made In the USA - Demi Lovato
Have fun. Eat like 1,000 hot dogs. Get drunk off of cheap beer. And don't play with sparklers while drunk. Kbye. 


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