Cover Mondays = Serenity Sundays

One of my favorite parts of summer is the music. Anything goes- from country to pop to reggae - it's all good. There's only one rule: there's no such thing as too much banjo.

 However, summer will always remind me of one artist in particular- Dia Frampton. I saw her last summer at the House of Blues in Anaheim, California and the whole experience was magical. With a unique voice and a modest yet fierce way of performing live, she quickly became one of my favorite artists. If you haven't heard of her or her music, I suggest you do so immediately. Here, let me help you:

One of my favorite songs of the summer was just made even better:

Dia Frampton's cover of "I Love It."

She does a cover of a different song every Monday. Tune in. I promise you won't regret it. 


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