Summer Reader: The Fault In Our Stars

If someone threw this book at your face, poked you in the eye and broke your nose, it still wouldn't hurt as much as this story.

It's not often that you can come across a story so magnificent, and beautifully imagined and written. It's not often that a book consumes you so intensely that you might actually lose your mind if you don't finish it as quickly as possible. And it's not often that you feel that hunger to read the book again for any missed words, any missed elements to the story- and maybe even a hope for a different ending.

Without ruining too much of the ending, or any part of the story at all, the love between Hazel and Augustus is one that would put any Nicholas Sparks book (or movie) to shame.. or in that matter, any book/movie that involves a certain vampire/wolf scenario to shame. What I'm saying is, this one is different.

It's so important to me that books like this be written- ones where love is portrayed as caring for someone so much more than you care about yourself. Where love is shown in selflessness instead of obsession, and where romance isn't chasing desperately after someone- it's wanting the absolute best for someone else. It's also important that love isn't about how beautiful or skinny a woman is- Augustus loved Hazel for her mind, her humor, her wit- something that all women should cultivate and something all men should cherish in a woman. It's important that this book became such a fad, because women and men should all be taught this different perception and expectation of what exactly love is. (aka it's not a Taylor Swift song about a scarf that reminds him of you.. love you tho t.swift.)

Enough tho.

The point is: Read this book. Cry over this book. Cry some more. Let it tear you apart. Then carry it with you where ever you go in life and in love.


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